Thursday 28 January 2016

Mock exam


Class and status in the Merlin season 1 episode extract is represented well by the director James Hawes well in the clip through the use of camera, editing, sound and misc-en-scene.

In the extract the first shot appears to be from a slightly elevated level from our protagonist, the first shot pans as Merlin walks to create an establishing shot, this shot shows a luxurious castle like indoor courtyard with stain glass accompaniment.  Firstly, this shot represents class and status as the environment clearly juxtoposes our main character, with a light violin non-diegetic rift. Merlin is represented by the higher angle out of place as the audience is looking down on him. It is obvious this shot was used to demonstrate Merlin isn't allowed here, the scene and camera shot is used to represent Merlin's social status to be very low and to be of a class not suited for nice formal environments.

In the clip class is represented to be a heavy influence on people, Merlin when in a room looks through a lady's objects, the use of fast paced editing cuts really represents how curious lower classed people are of upper class culture, through the use of shot reverse shot showing close ups and under the shoulder shots of his hands really demonstrates the representation of lower classes bewilderment to upper class customs.

As Merlin searched through these objects a hay object is shown, using a zoom this emphasises how this this object is different from the others, in this sequence of quick paced editing the zoom to the hay object has many significations, indexical signifies of hay are a lower class use of bedding, this sticks with the theme of curiosity Merlin has, this emphasises how Merlin is confused why someone of a higher class has a lower class object, the clip represents the conflict created when different classes mix.

Misc-en-scene and sound represent class throughout the clip continuously, people of low class are shown with bleak coloured clothing whilst people of social significance ever in class or status wear brighter or shiny clothing for example as the lady approaches Merlin she is shown to wear a colourful purple dress, or the antagonist in the fight wearing shiny armour. But significantly, non-diegetic sounds also represent class and status in these two characters aswell, as the lady approaches non-diegetic sounds which are very formal build up slowly, making the scene more intense, as these two classes clash non-diegetic sounds are used to almost make people of higher class seem more important, as in the scene the purple dressed lady is cored as she walks in by a small string orchestra. Differently, as the fight happens there is a prevalent switch and juxtaposition of non-diegetic tones, the fight showases an environment of a lower class shown by diegetic sounds of animals, as animals signify farmyard, Light quick based violin rifts in major key key represents the informal class of the market area yet for the castle, the non-diegetic tones are much more formal in a minor key, representing higher class to be alot more serious and formal.

During the fight the antagonist steps onto a see-saw like object looking down at Merlin on the floor, this use of a low angle shot puts the audience in the position of the lower class citizens looking up at the higher class man being agressive, this shot is used to represent people of higher class to look like the enemy of lower class citizens. As this is the first episode director James hawes intentionally used this shot to present and establish this class struggle quickly, presenting to the audience to have sympathy for the lower class as the shot is used to put the audience in the "shoes" of the lower class, the extract represents sympathy in this shot for the lower class.

Finally as Merlin: our protagonist, talks with the antagonist editing is used to represent the dominance of higher class as this use of shot reverse shot using over the shoulder shots show more of the antagonist in the quick paced  editing style even as he taken his first shot at Merlin, he jumps out of shot at a over the shoulder angle representing by this long take that higher class dominates lower class in the clip, as Merlin dodges and comes back the shot signifies that the audience prospective should be mainly focused on the higher class man.

In conclusion class and status are represented in the clip to be two conflicting things, the conflict of higher and lower class is represented to be dominating by higher class.


Technological convergence and synergy are very important for institution and audience, yet there is a real juxtaposition between larger conglomerates and independent companies in the film industry. My case studies of Star Wars: The force awakens and BFI's The falling starring Maisie Williams can help identify that.

Disney recently bought Star Wars production Lucas Film in October 2012 for $4.06 billion, and Disney being one of the larger 6 main conglomerates produced the seventh instalment of the franchise, Disney are owner of 4 main subsidiaries, walt disney studios (owning Marvel, Pixar and their own record label) , Media network(TV, radio and internet), Disney Resort(owning the park companies). Disney have used their subsidiaries which are important as this helps them produce a huge synergy, including their subsidiary of merchandise.

Star wars all time gross is around $30 billion with 138 games grossing $3.7 billion, but 2 lines of toys, the first prequel selling 3.75 billion units and another with company hasbo between 1995-2011. Disney now after the release of the force awakens released a whole new toy line, yet this time synergy between Walt Disney and their Marketing subsidiary now is helping their profit growth and are expecting $5 billion 12 months after the films release of 17th December of 2015/

Differently, the falling was given £750,000 by BFI to produce the film making around £375,000 in box office, BFI (British Film Institute) and BBC films produced the film. The juxtaposition between these 2 films are huge as the force awakens is likely to gross $1.9 billion and from George Osborn £20 million of their $200 million budget was gifted to them, the falling unlike Star Wars didn't show technological convergence and synergy like star wars did.

In marketing, Star wars were aware of their audience being predominately male had marketing synergy with Cover girl and max factor being female products this use of synergy is important to Disney or Lucas film as an institution as more female audiences are encouraged to see the film starred by Daisy Rigley, John boyega, and original cast of Carrie Fischer, Mark hamil and Harrison Ford.

Director JJ abrams when producing the film reconstructed the original trilogy, to try to recreate the magic. After recent success of new Imax 3D technology Abrams was unsure whether to use original 35mm film with a 2,35:1 aspect ratio or 20mm film as technological convergence of cinemas are more supportive of it as cinemas can charge more for Imax making better gross profit. Abrams went with the 35mm and used 20mm to accompany secondary shots using camera rigs for 3D technology. From this Abrams' conformity demonstrates the growth of technology and how it converges with film.

The falling wasn't filmed in IMAX, and only shown in 2D for 4 weeks emphasising how important technological convergence is to audience, and audience are more likely to watch a film of better technology.

Disney when creating the force awakens website teamed with subsidiaries Disney Studios and their media network, promoting Disney's synergy. The sight is comatible with mobile devices, tablets and computers showing virtual reality. Technological convergence is apparent in this as they include synopsis of the films, trivia and reviews excluding the use of other websites such as IMDB and Wikipedia converging different technologies into one platform. Critics claim a real reason the falling didn't gross profit was due to this ignorance of marketing and technology, due to the fact the budget was small of course only showing 1 trailer compared to 3 the force awakens released.

Disney are planning to release the force awakens on blu-ray with their second screen technology, which allows consumers to sync the film with from second screen apps to access featurettes from their devices, smartphones or tablets. These include bonus scenes, triva and BTS. This is an example of technological convergence which is important to the institution and audiences as consumers of the product are more gratified which markets it better making more profit for the institutions.

Synergy is important to the Disney Institution when producing John Williams score, Disney Studios could produce this using their own record label, releasing this on December 17th also creating more "hype" for audiences, hearing this grows nostalgia levels making the film more profitable as different media platforms are released and saving the franchise money through the synergy of Disney's subsidiaries.

In conclusion the used synergy and convergence is important to the institutions as it can save them money and help them produce more consumables yet ignorance of this like the falling is important to audiences as it determines if they will want to see it or not. As the feelings only real marketing was inclusion of Game of thrones Maisie Williams.

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